Listen as Dr. Miles Beckett shares his creative entrepreneurial journey from starting a YouTube sensation to exciting work streamlining physician credentialing at SilverSheet!
The ModernMD: Dr. Miles Beckett
Dr. Miles Beckett is the Co-Founder and CEO of Silversheet, a company dedicated to developing software solutions that transform the way healthcare facilities and providers collaborate and connect. Previously, Miles was the Co-Founder and CEO of the social entertainment company, EQAL, and was the Co-Creator and Executive Producer of the web series lonelygirl15 and KateModern. Miles holds a B.S. in Neuroscience from the University of California at Berkley and an M.D. from the University of California at San Diego.
Milton Berle
Jeff never saw himself as an entrepreneur, but grew up in small retail business family and was inspired by his parents and grandparents. Jeff completed his residency training in family medicine and joined a traditional primary care practice after graduation. During his work in the traditional system he saw the role of doctors as assembly line worker with limitations to perform their greatest skills of creative problem solve and building strong patient-doctor relationships. Jeff was frustrated with the current system and decided to launch Gold Direct Care!
Why Direct Primary Care (DPC)?
Traditional system of primary care is complex with increased demands on coding and shorter visit times. Direct primary care lets you build a high quality practice with simple payment, longer visit times, and better doctor-patient relationships.
Advice for launching DPC practice:
- Physicians are not well training in the business of medicine. Surround yourself with people who you trust and can provide complementary skills and knowledge.
- Admit when you don’t know something.
- You must have your WHY but you might need help with the HOW!
- Build two models scenarios when you are getting started: Your Best & Worst case scenarios.
- If it does not work out… You will always have a JOB.
DPC Big Insights:
- Insurance does not mean healthcare.
- A large portion of healthcare is expensive, but not primary care.
- Healthcare economics is complex and the goal should be to find simple solutions to complex problems.
- DPC has a strong “heart beat” and will require a ground up approach for success.
The Idea: Gold Direct Primary Care (DPC) – Committed to delivering primary care as it was intended! Listen as Jeff shares his entrepreneurial journey launching one of Massachusetts first DPC practices.
Challenges: Jeff shares some of his challenges launching his practice including: Negotiating and navigating state laws and polices on insurance, financial viability, scalability, and concerns of quality and oversight.
Insights: Health is accomplished through a reliable and trusting partnership between physicians and patients.
Success: Studied and modeled his practice using other successful Direct Primary Care practices in the country. Jeff uses innovative technology platforms to enhance and improve care including: RubiconMD an e-consult specialists platform and Twine Health a collaborative care platform.
Best Advice: Nothing good comes easy!
Daily Success Habit: Admit the things you don’t know on a day to day basis. Focus on your strengths but continue to educate yourself on your weakness.
Healthcare Trends:
On-Demand Care: Patient having access to on demand care with trusted primary care doctor.
Individualized Care: Personalize care to meet your patients needs.
Old School: Just simple old school medicine = Patient + Doctor!
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