Meet other like-minded
medical experts
Re-connect with your mission and message
for people
Expand your impact by building your own
brand & services
Ever feel like your expertise could serve the world best
outside of “traditional medicine?”
It can seem scary to create your own path…but what if your version of success is not long shifts in a lab coat? We’re partnering with doctors to innovate the medical field and grow their impact.
How We Help
Empowering Content
Start by discovering non-traditional career paths, and see how others are impacting thousands more people.
Community & Events
Meet leading medical experts in our curated dinner experiences and online community. Together, we’re innovating medicine.
Career Innovation
Our MD Label services services will help you take your message and expertise to the world and grow your online presence.
- Find community with like-valued experts out to make a diference.
- Join a greater movement to shift the medical industry.
- Attend dinners with other doctors and share career path ideas.
- Take the time to think deeply about your mission and career path.
- Innovate ways to impact more people through a personal brand.
- Work with branding experts in a timeline that works for you.
Ready to share your message with the world?
Join MD Label.
Schedule a Diagnostic Call
We will get to know you and your career like performing a “history and physical.” As you share your vision to make a diference, we’ll “diagnose” the best path to build a brand with you.
See the Plan to Launch Your Brand
We’ll walk you through an “assessment” to build your brand and reach your audience. We will create a plan and discuss your investment to join the label.
Turn Potential into Purpose & Legacy
As we create your message, build your website, and launch your brand, you’ll realize just how many people you were meant to transform.
What if you could be impacting
thousands without burnout?
Years of training. Endless hours of practice and experience. Less and less time for life. Even though the money and credentials seem successful…
is that really what you want?
I get what it’s like to have an entrepreneurial spirit that just doesn’t fit in the “traditional medicine” model. That’s why I’m out to help doctors innovate their own path, and expand their impact doing what they most love.
- Founder of the Physician Entrepreneur Summit (PES)
- Two-time startup co-founder
- Associate Physician at Bringham and Women’s Home Hospital
- Instructor in Medicine at Harvard Medical School
- Host of the ModernMD Podcast – the first physician/entrepereneur podcast
- Early innovator in value-based payment at Remedy Partners (when it was a startup!)
- …See more on LinkedIn
Is the ModernMD community for me?
- You’re an acheiving, entrepreneurial type.
- Success in traditional medicine may not feel like success to you.
- You are highly trained or specialized with years of experience.
- You have a personal mission, or you’re ready to create it.
- You’re tired of industry competition and would rather collaborate to help people.
- Making a lot of money is not enough of a legacy for you… you want to create greater impact.
We have 3 levels you can participate in the Modern MD community.
Online, in person, and one-on-one.
Online Content
1. Online Content
ModernMD Podcast
This is not a heady talk show with the another noted Dr. Ego.
This is a rare conversation where medical experts and entrepreneurs share the raw stories of building their own unique success and innovating medical care.
If you’ve ever thought, “is it even possible for me to be successful on my terms?” … then this podcast is for you.
In Person Events
2. In Person Events
The community for competition-free industry (and personal) breakthroughs.
Sign up to apply for our curated dinner experiences, and get an invite to the next event in your city.
One-On-One Talent Collaboration
3. One-On-One Talent Collaboration
Ready to get your expertise to the people who need it most?
- Build your personal brand and message
- Launch your online presence with a gorgeous website
- Help those who need you all over the world with your content or services
Apply to work with our experts in a timeline that works with your schedule.
Traditional medicine isn’t the only way.
How many people are waiting to hear your message, or be a part of your vision? Join the movement of experts and visionaries and find your version of success.